I help you thrive, with yourself as well as with others, in your private and work life!

Difficult relationships? Low self-esteem? Aching inner wounds?







Life is more complex than we ever can imagine!

It's up to us to discover it all!

Isn't that fantastic?

- Lise Bjarkli

Many rational people  often feel frustrated, anxious, down or even nearing burnout. This can affect their work, relationships and day-to-day living.
Are you somehow struggling with your self-esteem? Are any of your relationships hard to be in? Do you have still aching wounds from difficult experiences?
We live in a sometimes chaotic world in constant change.  This is all part of our normal life, and often you can solve such things on your own. But sometimes you may prefer to benefit from professional help, especially when the difficulties persist over time, the good feelings get too little space, or when your quality of life decreases. 
This is where I do my best work, and can support you too through your struggles!

I help you thrive, with yourself as well as with others, in your private and work life!

Is it time for you to do something about your current situation? Are you willing to invest in your own development and challenge yourself?  You're in the right place! I work with people who are experiencing life's hardships and want to relieve their recurring pain to find back to  joy, meaning and mastery, and once again feel strong, confident, alive and truly contented. You can get help from me irrespective of your background, as long as you're motivated for change. I typically work with professionals such as leaders, entrepreneurs and technologists, as well as gifted children of all ages. 
With my broad background as Psychotherapist, Leadership Developer and Engineer,  I can offer you unique services adapted to your unique needs.
Based on research and three decades of experience, I've developed an In-Depth Methodology called Personal Leadership for LifeTM  for  personal as well as leader development. This method is supported by a holistic psychotherapy framework, anchored on science and evidence based practice, which I also developed. Based on these, my services are adapted to meet your specific needs!

Do you want a better life for yourself, at work as well as in your private life?

Do you want better self-esteem, improved relationships, less inner pain?

Or perhaps more meaning, more mastery, more joy of life?

I can help you! Book an appointment with me now!

Friendly yours, 
Lise Bjarkli

Free Magazine - Dealing with Conflicts

In this special edition of the Conscious Life Conscious Leadership Magazine:

Dealing with conflicts: A conflict's potential, steps to solve or create conflicts, your thoughts on a possible tool for conflict resolution.

Free Magazine here!

How can you get support:

You can choose between the following:

  • 1-1 Consultations (therapy, coaching, mentoring - depending on your need)
  • Courses, Workshops
  • Talks, Seminars
  • Assessments  

Whatever the format, all my offers are there to support you in your development, so you can thrive in your private and work life.

The services are offered in english or norwegian, in physical settings or online. If you want to, we can also speak in  dutch or french. Written material is in english.  

Check out offerings here!

Don't miss out on upcoming offerings. Join my newsletter!

For you who want to thrive in your work and private life, with more joy, meaning and mastery. Join me, to receive newsletters with motivational tips, inspiration and knowledge. as well as information on upcoming courses, talks and other activities


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